ATR224 Process and Temperature controller just for digital outputs

The NEW ATR224 process or temperature controller is a cutdown version of the ATR244 with single PNP and 2 relay outputs.  The ATR244 is ideal for over-limit and over temperature type applications.  The main output can be configured to latch and reset is possible via digital input or pressing frontal.  The ATR224 controller has the same fantastic smart phone support for set up via the Pixsys APP as the rest of the blue-line family of process controllers and now with additional blue tooth adaptor for IOS platforms.

ATR224 pixsys controller just for relay and logic outputs.
ATR224 pixsys controller just for relay and logic outputs.

The ATR224 temperature controller accepts universal inputs including 4-20mA, thermocouple, RTD sensors and 0-10V and can provide 12 or 24VDC transmitter power supply. Supply is 24-240VAC/DC

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